Playlist Items

Yt::PlaylistItem represents a playlist item. Initialize using an ID or using Yt::Playlist#playlist_items:

item = id: 'PLjW_GNR5Ir0GWEP_ove'
item = 'PLSWYkYzOrPMRUYaLE6C9').playlist_items.first
# => All these methods return #<Yt::PlaylistItem:0x... @id="PLjW_GNR5Ir0GWEP_ove">

Some methods from other classes also return a Yt::PlaylistItem object (e.g.: Yt::Playlist#add_video) or a collection of Yt::PlaylistItem objects (e.g.: Playlist#playlist_items).


Most methods of Yt::PlaylistItem retrieve public data from YouTube (e.g.: the position in the playlist).
To use these methods (marked with   below), you only need to get a Server API key from Google and configure:

Yt.configuration.api_key = "<your api key>"             ## replace with your API key

item = id: 'PLjW_GNR5Ir0GWEP_ove'
# => 3

Other methods acts on behalf of YouTube accounts (e.g.: delete an item from a playlist).
To use these methods (marked with   below), you need to get an API Client ID/Secret from Google, obtain an access or refresh token from the account you want to act as, and pass the account as the :auth parameter:

Yt.configuration.client_id = "<your ID>"           ## replace with your client ID
Yt.configuration.client_secret = "<your secret>"   ## replace with your client secret
account = refresh_token: "<token>" ## use the account’s refresh token

item = id: 'PLjW_GNR5Ir0GWEP_ove', auth: account
# => true

List of Yt::PlaylistItem methods

any authentication works Playlist Item’s Snippet
→ Yt # => "PLjW_GNR5Ir0GWEP_ove"
→ Yt docsitem.title # => "Welcome to Fullscreen"
→ Yt docsitem.description # => "We are Fullscreen"
→ Yt docsitem.published_at # => 2013-08-14 19:14:21 UTC
→ Yt docsitem.thumbnail_url # => ""
→ Yt docsitem.channel_id # => "UCxO1tY8h1AhOz0T4ENwmpow"
→ Yt docsitem.channel_title # => "Fullscreen"
→ Yt docsitem.playlist_id # => "PLSWYkYzOrPMRUYaLE6C9"
→ Yt docsitem.video_id # => "BPNYv0vd78A"
→ Yt docsitem.position # => 3
any authentication works Playlist Item’s Privacy Status
→ Yt docsitem.privacy_status # => "public"
→ Yt docsitem.public? # => true
→ Yt docsitem.unlisted? # => false
→ Yt docsitem.private? # => false
must authenticate as the playlist item’s account or content owner Playlist Item’s Updates
→ Yt docsitem.update position: 0 # => true
→ Yt docsitem.delete # => true
any authentication works Playlist Item’s Associations
→ Yt # => #<Yt::Video …>